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Program-Level: Organization

Example: Converting Traditional Language Courses to Competency-Based Language Courses

Here is an example of how you could convert the organization of your traditional language courses to one that supports competency-based learning and its desired components. To review, such components are (click here for more information):

  • A co-requisite personal assistant course (PA) 

  • A built-in computer lab 

  • Maximizing frequency of contact hours

  • Integration of the four language domains

  • Flipping the classroom, or moving instruction online

Here is how a traditional ESL program or course sequence might be structured:

A competency-based layout model would essentially reorganize courses to to make them more lean, proficiency-oriented, and student-centered:

Level 1, for example, would have a weekly schedules resembling:

In re-organizing, learners may benefit by:


  • Receiving individualized support on deficient SLOs in current courses

  • Working toward competency in subsequent course SLOs

  • Having instruction that more accurately resembles authentic target language (domains are not isolated)

  • Having grammar embedded and contextualized within their other language courses

  • Receiving regular, engaging comprehensible input during computer lab time

  • Having more frequency of course meeting times, allowing for simulation of “intensive” English study, which positively impacts language acquisition

  • Taking less credit hours, which means less cost or financial aid borrowing

  • Having fewer interruptions of multiple teachers, which increases stability of instruction and assessment practices

  • Building technology skills

Possible disadvantages may include:

  • Less scheduling options for students

  • Computer lab scheduling conflicts

  • Course scheduling logistics 

  • Challenges of embedding grammar courses

  • Retitling of courses

  • The resources to study the effects on learner success


integrated skills program layout esl
traditional program layout isolated skill esl
integrated skills esl sample schedule
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