Program-Level: Organization
Example: Converting Traditional Language Courses to Competency-Based Language Courses
Here is an example of how you could convert the organization of your traditional language courses to one that supports competency-based learning and its desired components. To review, such components are (click here for more information):
A co-requisite personal assistant course (PA)
A built-in computer lab
Maximizing frequency of contact hours
Integration of the four language domains
Flipping the classroom, or moving instruction online
Here is how a traditional ESL program or course sequence might be structured:
A competency-based layout model would essentially reorganize courses to to make them more lean, proficiency-oriented, and student-centered:
Level 1, for example, would have a weekly schedules resembling:
In re-organizing, learners may benefit by:
Receiving individualized support on deficient SLOs in current courses
Working toward competency in subsequent course SLOs
Having instruction that more accurately resembles authentic target language (domains are not isolated)
Having grammar embedded and contextualized within their other language courses
Receiving regular, engaging comprehensible input during computer lab time
Having more frequency of course meeting times, allowing for simulation of “intensive” English study, which positively impacts language acquisition
Taking less credit hours, which means less cost or financial aid borrowing
Having fewer interruptions of multiple teachers, which increases stability of instruction and assessment practices
Building technology skills
Possible disadvantages may include:
Less scheduling options for students
Computer lab scheduling conflicts
Course scheduling logistics
Challenges of embedding grammar courses
Retitling of courses
The resources to study the effects on learner success