Philosophy of Language Education
As a language teacher, I believe in the equity of all languages and cultures. At the same time, it is critical to "put the target language first" when attempting to learn it. There are many paths toward building language proficiency. However, I believe that when the theory behind proficiency-oriented approaches to education today is applied in practical ways, learner success is maximized.
Referencing these theoretical underpinnings, I maintain the following view toward language teaching and learning:
View of Language
Language is:
A means of interaction and communication
A way for students to meet their personal, community, and educational needs
View of Language Learning
Language learning happens best through:
Engaging in real-world communication and authentic tasks
Having exposure to constant, simplified, and meaningful authentic language (comprehensible input) over time
Being comfortable and anxiety-free (low affective filter) in order to take risks with language
Negotiating meaning and interacting
Engaging with personally-relevant authentic materials
Recognizing and applying corrective feedback to output
Practicing learned content and skills, as stated through defined learning outcomes and proficiency benchmarks relevant to a learner's needs
Not solely a cognitive process, but one of culture, communication, and social interactivity
The application of not only a language's individual parts to perform a task, but...
Employing expert, credentialed world language teachers
View of Objectives
Objectives are:
Determined by using needs analyses to identify student and perceived needs
Defined as measurable outcomes of the course or program
Written as competences consisting of skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors required for successful performance of a real-world task or activity in general and/or academic settings
Needed to operationalize the ideas of communicative competency
View of Syllabus
The syllabus is:
Structural, notional, functional, notional-functional, topic-based, or skills-based
Essential skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors required for effective performance of a real world task or activity in "any domain of life" but usually world or social survival
View of Instructional Strategies
Instructional strategies:
Widely vary, as long as they are meaningful interchanges in the target language that enhance communicative competency
Focus on the skills necessary in real-world situations
Support receptive and productive skills as well as fluency versus accuracy
Are student-centered and relevant to the learner
Respond to various learner types
Integrate culture
Teach grammar inductively
Place the learner in an active role
Encourage critical thinking and problem solving
Integrate the four language skills
Include role-plays, information gap (i.e. sharing or gathering of missing information), task completions, or opinion sharing
View of Learner's Role
The learner:
Is actively engaged in the learning process
Interacts with peers, not only the teacher
Is dependent upon individual efforts as well as social interaction
Is responsible for their own learning and progress
Develops language learning strategies
Possesses a willingness to experiment and take risk with language
Has a drive to communicate
Looks for patterns in language
Attends to meaning as well as grammar
Transfers knowledge and skills to new situations
Actively seeks out opportunities to interact with others in the target language
View of Teacher's Role
The teacher:
Recognizing that all learners have the ability to meet - and even exceed - with language learning
Is primarily the architect, facilitator, and monitor of meaningful interactions that promote communicative competence
Is the materials developer, locator of resources - technology included - assessor, coach, guide, the “lecturer”, when needed, the needs analyst, and the advisor
Is responsible for opportunities for learners to engage with each other as well as course materials
Is tasked with providing students individualized corrective feedback
Needs to plan to provide students multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate learned or acquired abilities
Uses multiple data points to validly interpret student readiness
Considers fluency versus accuracy in student's language production
Isolating and monitoring proficiency, course content, and participation separately
View of Materials
Vary, as long as they promote communicative competence
May be text-based
May include games, role plays, simulations, task-based communication, cue cards, worksheets with missing information requiring interaction to complete, or realia
Embed technology that provides engaging and motivating comprehensible input
With my philosophy toward language education now laid out for you, let's take a look at what the ProficiencyBuilder Model is actually, how it is different compared to traditional models, and how it works.