Still Don't Understand?
There is a lot here. 150 pages, in fact! It can be information overload, especially if you tried to bite off too much at once. I mean, synthesizing everything I laid out here in 12 minutes is probably not realistic. Invest more time with the contents of this website. Slow down. Revisit this website over a long(er) period of time and approach it in small "chunks."
If time wasn't the issue, remember, the model largely assumes you have some degree of training or education (i.e. degree related to not only languages, but education) pertaining to the underlying principles of various language teaching methodologies (i.e. communicative language teaching), assessment and instructional strategies, and curriculum development. Without such background knowledge, you will engage with the contents of the model insofar as your understanding allows. Try enrolling in a world language teaching methodologies course. Or ask your boss if you can receive professional development credit for your time. Ask a colleague of yours to learn with you. Or use the forum to ask a question.
It's also possible your own teaching context simply isn't lining up with the model due to significant variation. I'm a former Spanish instructor and current community college ESL instructor. If you're coming at this from a completely different environment and background, this model just might not be for you.
And, of course, contact me, especially if you see an error or anything that is unclear!