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The ProficiencyBuilder Model

How Is It Different?

Today, instead of my students focusing on an arbitrary numeric or letter grade that supposedly represents their abilities - which it often does not - the focus is on communication and they ask, "On which outcome(s) do I still need to study, practice, and demonstrate competency?"

Traditional Models


Traditional models in language classrooms today may have features that could be negatively affecting student learning. For example, on a recent survey conducted for this project:


  • 72% of language teachers reported using traditional grading structures centered on weighted categories; 31% reported using points only; 16% used a "checklist"

  • 50% saw the issue of students passing without the language readiness they need due to traditional grading models as "a grave concern"

  • 94% felt that at least 10% of their own students passed the previous class without the fundamental proficiency needed to be successful; 47% believed at least 20% passed; and 38% believed at least 25% passed



These results suggest the status quo is not working for many teachers, or students.


Click on the following image to see an example of how students in a course using traditional points or weighted categories as a grading structure may be slipping through the cracks:









(Click here to read more about this example)


As a result, students may pass a class having demonstrated conceptual knowledge or course content, but may still lack the underlying language proficiency or skills needed for subsequent coursework. While many students are successful in learning languages under traditional models, those that pass without the fundamental abilities can be derailed from their path toward success.



The ProficiencyBuilder Model


While no model is perfect (read about why it may not work for you), the ProficiencyBuilder Model aims to be a student-centered competency-based model of language teaching that is feasible to implement. Individual teachers can use the Instructor-Level part of the ProficiencyBuilder Model as a new, competency-based way to approach grading in their classroom. On a wider scale, administrators can use the Program-Level part of the ProficiencyBuilder Model to bring all their instructors on board to competency-based grading, while considering implications on placement, curriculum, instruction, and assessment policy and practices.














The model aims to help learners be more capable with the target language so they can be more successful in their future coursework. According to recent studies conducted for this project, the model may help to increase student success rates in subsequent courses compared to traditional grading structures. The studies suggest that students who take a course with competency-based learning, when compared to a traditional course, may:


  • Leave the class having demonstrated mastery of between 92-99% of the student learning outcomes 

  • Have an equal to or higher probability of receiving a C- or higher in a subsequent course

  • Have a lower probability of dropping a subsequent course

  • Have a higher probability of passing the course if they are failing at midterm

  • Have a higher level of engagement in the areas of effort, challenge, support, faculty-student interaction, and active and collaborative learning



















Now, let's take a look at what the ProficiencyBuilder Model is, exactly.




Traditional grading does not work
proficiencybuilder model how does competency- based language learning work
data comparing traditional learning and competency-based learning

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