Here is additional information about current language teaching approaches and methods (Richards, Rodgers, 2014):
Communicative Language Teaching
Communicative language teaching (CLT), or the communicative approach, focuses on language and interaction as a way to communicate. The goal is to develop communicative competency, or "what a speaker needs to know in order to be communicatively competent in a speech community."
For more information, watch this video.
Competency-Based Education
Competency-based education (CBE) is an outcomes-based approach that engages learners to demonstrate mastery of course content as it applies to real-life situations. Learning is a focus on doing, not only knowing. It measures student learning rather than time, harnesses the power of technology, changes the role of the instructor, and defines competencies and assessments that are valid and reliable. Individualized instruction is emphasized over traditional classroom-based instruction*, often with a capstone assessment for each learning unit or module.
*The ProficiencyBuilder Model views face-to-face instruction as critical in learning a language.
For an example of a developmental math program fully converted to a traditional CBE program, click here.
For more information, watch this video.
For a summary of competency-based education and standards-based education, click here.
Competency-Based Language Teaching
Competency-based language teaching (CBLT) is an "application of the principles of CBE to language teaching." It shares many of CBE characteristics, but, when applied to language programs, also offers a focus on successful functioning in society and life skills, is task- or performance-centered, has modularized instruction, has continuous and ongoing authentic assessment, and provides individualized feedback with student-centered instruction.
For more information, watch this video. This one is also helpful: watch this video.
Standards-Based Education
Standards-based education (SBE), also referred to as standards-based instruction or standards-based grading, is a type of competency-based learning, an attempt to measure and quantify the learners' master of discrete skills. SBE may combine with any competency-related approach. When applied to language teaching, SBE "reflects a skills-based approach to language learning."
For more information, watch this video.