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Sample Voice Recording Instructions

Here are sample instructions for how students can submit voice recordings on a learning management system (LMS) as a way to practice their target language proficiency.


Sample Instructions (LMS: Talon)


To encourage speaking and listening development outside of class, consider assigning students a video or audio prompt via a Talon Assignment, then ask them to record their response using a microphone or webcam and submit it to you. Alternatively, you can set up a Talon Discussion and have students respond to you, then to another classmate. This is a bit more authentic, even though it is asynchronous, since it closely simulates an actual discussion or conversation.




  • Beginning-of-semester training

  • Flexible yet stern due dates

  • Do not allow students to simply write and read their responses

  • Encourage them to speak from a simple outline


Here is a sample prompt:



Here are sample student responses:



Here are instructions on how you can set this up yourself:



Sit back and wait for student submissions to appear on your Talon homescreen. Simply click and begin grading!



Interested in professional development credit? Click here to learn how to get a certificate of completion.


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