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Calculator: Convert Multiple Rubric Scores to a Final Percentage

Convert multiple rubric scores to a final percentage using this calculator.




  1. Decide which calculator to use: (a) the "Proficiency-Isolated Option" is for courses that use a proficiency benchmark separate from the course learning outcomes; or (b) the "Proficiency-Integrated Option" is for courses that blend proficiency within the course learning outcomes

  2. Decide the final rubric score (i.e. you may average or use the most recent) for each category.

  3. Use the "Logical Equivalent Conversion" graph, below, to convert the final rubric scores to the percent equivalent

  4. Enter these percent values, without the % symbol, in the blank boxes under column "Percent Equivalent Earned by Student"

  5. Enter the category weights, as you had described in your course syllabus, in the blank boxes under column "Weight of Category"; for example, if Proficiency is weighted at 45%, enter 0.45

  6. Click "Final Grade" to see the calculated final percentage or grade

convert rubric score to percentage logical equivalent
Proficieny-Isolated Option
convert rubric score to percentage logical equivalent
Proficieny-Integrated Option

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