Get Started!
Step 11: Class Begins!
In this step, you will apply strategies to inform and onboard your students to the ProficiencyBuilder Model
Begin Class
Start class as you normally would. While the competency-based learning from an educator's point of view may involve major preparation behind the scenes, to students the model will mostly mean a new way of grading in order to pass the course. It may also mean a shift from pencil-paper tests to assessments simulating real-world situations; a shift to knowing and doing. Importantly, it also means that their their general proficiency needs to develop, which is separate from traditionally just "studying for a class" and passing the test. In this section, you'll need to focus on communicating to students these "new" notions of grading and learning.
Informing and Onboarding Students
Once your class begins, it is time to communicate the planning you have done. On the first day or week of class, when you would normally go over your expectations, explain to students how grading works, in addition to all your other course policies. Some students may be resistant to this new system, especially at first or if they end up not meeting the expectations put forth. Remember, in them are embedded years of educational culture that bases the notion of "success" on a singular number or grade, in many cases a mere 60% or higher. "Sidestep" any public challenges or resistance to the model, if needed. Validate their concerns by recognizing how different it is - while reinforcing its benefits to the students. Invite these students to speak with you or your program administrator to provide feedback on how to improve. Change is not easy. Steady the course. Stay true to your course policies, be optimistic, and take note of what works, and what doesn't, so you can make improvements in the future.
Using your syllabus and course documents from Step 3 to guide them, explain why this model is being used and inform students of the benefits to them.
Early on, get students to understand and commit. Have students read aloud or in groups, then explain, the policies to you or to each other. Require them to take a short "quiz", and/or consider asking them to sign a document indicating they have asked questions and understand the class policies. Meet with students individually early to address questions or issues they may have.
Ask your program administrator to visit the class to help, if needed.
Show students this common PowerPoint to help. Here's a sample letter to assist, too.
As the class progresses, be sure to provide regular check-ins with students to address questions or concerns, and reinforce the idea of competency.​
It is highly recommended to schedule individual conferences at various points during the class to communicate deficient or competent outcomes with each student.
During the class, always simplify, exemplify, and repeat. In other words, provide clear explanations, with hypothetical or real examples, at the beginning, middle, and end of your class​.
Students will quickly see the model in action - and its benefits - after their first assessment containing one or several scores, each with feedback, and an invitation from you on when they can have another opportunity to re-assess. You will, excitingly, start to hear them transition from, "Teacher, what is my grade in the class?" to "Teacher, which outcomes do I need to work on?" Of course, ready yourself for a little resistance; not all students will view this approach as supportive to their learning and futures.