Get Started!
Step 12: Instruction
In this step, you will apply instructional strategies using communicative language teaching (CLT) and competency-based education (CBE)
Instructional Strategies
Applying your credentials and experience as a world language teacher, facilitate language acquisition in your classroom as you would using CLT strategies (i.e. comprehensible input; exclusively use the target language; negotiation of meaning; practice real-world, authentic situations; spontaneous language production; low anxiety levels; fluency vs. accuracy; inductive grammar instruction). Here is a quiz to refresh your memory on CLT instructional strategies.
Also, facilitate learning of course content as it relates to your course's learning outcomes.
As the model uses competency-based education (CBE), your role is also to be students' coach and locator of resources; engage with and assist students as needed during their self-paced, low-stakes computer lab activities, set up cultural interactions with speakers who speak the target language (see example), provide additional instruction and support to individual students on their underdeveloped competencies in class, in your office, or during a "study hall" or tutoring session.
Using the built-in "catch-up time" you had planned for in Step 8, spend more time practicing with or re-teaching concepts you feel or see students are having difficulty with.
Refer to any training or professional development resources to assist you (see example).
Ask students these level-appropriate oral question types to develop oral proficiency.
See example on how to teach grammar inductively using PACE method.