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Step 8: Plan Your Course Curriculum


In this step, you will use your draft course timeline to outline what you will teach and when


Plan Your Curriculum


Now that your summative assessments for your course learning outcomes and proficiency benchmarks are tentatively scheduled, answer these questions: When will I introduce course content (new skills and concepts)? What do students need to know, by when? When will students learn and practice? How much time will I need before students take an assessment? How will I sequence my course content? In other words, considering your learning outcomes, when what will I teach, when? Fill in your course schedule from Step 7 with what you plan to teach, when. Consider a "modular" design that follows this sequence: introduce, recognize, apply, practice, and assess. Of course, use backwards planning by thinking about where students need to be before the end of your course and backfilling from there. Use the Download the ProficiencyBuilder Sample Course Schedule Instructor Template​ to help you.


Consider how your timeline will support students in working toward the proficiency benchmarks for your course. As explained in Step 7, divide your tentative timeline into two stages: the Developmental Stage, in which students will practice, take formative (informal) assessments, and receive corrective feedback, and the Competency Stage, in which students will take summative (formal) assessments that measure their growth and abilities. Build in sufficient time and support to develop proficiency, either in isolation from or centered on your course content. Download the ProficiencyBuilder Sample Course Schedule Instructor Template​ to help.


If your program has integrated a self-paced, low-stakes computer lab competent, a dedicated informal study time, adviser support, and/or a co-requisite PA course, set up or confirm logistics and implement these as appropriate in your tentative course outline.


You should also plan any authentic cultural interactions you want your students to have with speakers of the target language (i.e. native speakers). Visit these resources for ideas.


Also, be sure to set up a self-paced, low-stakes extensive reading component.


Consider building in "catch-up time", perhaps one class or one week, in order to teach, re-teach, or or even re-assess competencies students have difficulty with. Check out the Re-Assessment Planner to help you here.


Course Materials


Prepare course materials that support both proficiency and course content. Consider flipping the classroom for more in-class communicative practice by finding, or making your own, instructional resources for students to access out of class. Click here for sample screenshots showing course content posted to the LMS:  One  |  Two   |   Three 




Your tentative course schedule should now connect summative assessments to your learning outcomes to specific weeks, days, or dates.


Make adjustments to your assessment plan as needed in Step 7 and perhaps your policies in Step 3.





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