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Step 4: Create Your Proficiency Rubrics


In this step, you will write a (1) Proficiency Goal and a (2) rubric to communicate to students descriptors of where their proficiency level needs to be*


*This step may be skipped if proficiency benchmarks are embedded within your course's learning outcomes.


What is Proficiency?


Although proficiency constructs differ, proficiency, according to ACTFL, is defined as "...what individuals can do with language in terms of speaking, writing, listening, and reading in real-world situations in a spontaneous and non-rehearsed context...regardless of where, when, or how the language was acquired." Click here for additional documents or images:  One  |  Two   |   Three


Create a Proficiency Goal (or Ask Your Program Administrator)


**Request any proficiency benchmarks, descriptors, or placement test criteria for your course; your program administrator should be able to provide you these.**


If you do not have access to this information, check out ACTFL's Proficiency Guidelines and these Proficiency Level Descriptor Samples. When you are ready, create a brief, simplified statement, which we will refer to as a Proficiency Goal, that reflects what your students need to be able to do with their proficiency before they leave your class. This statement is a measurable task containing no descriptors and no course content. It should be reflective of the language skills emphasized in your class (i.e. speaking class = Speaking Proficiency Goal), and should align with the criteria that your placement test measures. For example, in a low intermediate class in which conversational proficiency is emphasized, the Proficiency Goal could be: 


"By the end of  this class, I will be able to frequently or always create discrete sentences, maintain a simple conversation, and ask and answer simple questions"


In this example, these three tasks (create discrete sentences, maintain a simple conversation, and ask/answer simple qusetions) are criteria that the OPI placement test measures. Click here for an example:  Example 1. Click here for another example:  Example 2.


Be sure to write your Proficiency Goal and Proficiency Rubric using Can-Do statements in the first person for students to better understand.


If you teach an integrated skills course, you would have the option of the Proficiency Goal reflecting one or two emphasized skills (i.e. an beginning-level Spanish class may emphasize speaking and listening skills), or all four skills.


Create a Proficiency Rubric


**Request any proficiency rubrics for your course; your program administrator should be able to provide you these.**


If not, build a 5-point Proficiency Rubric that breaks down this Proficiency Goal for students. A score of 1 is largely underdeveloped; a score of 2 is almost competent; a score of 3 means the student has minimally met competency; a score of 4 is very good; and a score of 5 is mastery level. This rubric is what you will use to score student proficiency during the course. Use the ProficiencyBuilder Generic Rubric Creator, the Multi-Criteria Rubric Creator, or the Proficiency Sample Rubrics for assistance. 


If you have an actual sample of what proficiency levels should sound or look like by the time students leave your class, upload it to a Google DriveDropBox, or other cloud-based storage that provides you a shareable link (you can insert this link inside your gradebook for students to access, a later step).





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