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Step 5: Create Your Course Content Rubrics
In this step, you will create rubric(s) that you will use to score students' attempts to demonstrate the content they learn in your class
What is Course Content?
Course content refers to conceptual knowledge, isolated skills, or specific tasks that the institutional stakeholders have defined for your course. In other words, it is what your school wishes students to learn and be able to do, usually in the form of your course's student learning outcomes. Please note that your course outcomes may also have proficiency benchmarks embedded within, in which case you will simply skip Step 4.
Request from your program administrator the most recent version of your course's learning outcomes (i.e. master syllabus) as well as any rubrics that measure these course outcomes.
Create Course Content Rubrics
Build a 5-point Course Content rubric. A score of 1 is largely underdeveloped; a score of 2 is almost competent; a score of 3 means the student has minimally met competency; a score of 4 is very good; and a score of 5 is mastery level. Use this rubric(s) to score student work during the class to determine competency. Use the ProficiencyBuilder Generic Rubric Creator or, if you prefer an individual rubric for each learning outcome, use the Multi-Criteria Rubric Creator. For help, check out these Course Content Rubric Samples.
Click here for an example: Example 1
Simplify your rubric(s) using Can-Do statements in the first person.