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Step 6: Create Your Participation Rubrics
In this step, you will create rubric(s) that you will use to score to what degree students are on-task during class as well as the quality of submitted homework assignments
What is Participation?
Although defined differently by instructor, in-class participation refers to behaviors that contribute toward a positive class climate, as well as toward one's own and others' language learning, both in and out of class (for example, on-task behavior, exclusive use of target language, tardiness, and homework completion).
Perhaps untraditionally, the purpose of homework is now a way for students to practice skills needed to demonstrate competency on assessments; homework is separated from the learning outcomes and is, therefore, categorized as participation.
Request any rubrics that measure participation from your program administrator before creating your own.
Create a Participation Rubric
Build a 5-point Participation rubric. You may also wish to make a separate Homework rubric. A score of 1 is largely underdeveloped; a score of 2 is almost competent; a score of 3 means the student has minimally met competency; a score of 4 is very good; and a score of 5 is mastery level. Use the ProficiencyBuilder Generic Rubric Creator or the Multi-Criteria Rubric Creator. For help, check out these Participation Rubric Samples.
Click here for examples: One | Two
Simplify your rubric(s) using Can-Do statements in the first person.