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ProficiencyBuilder Model

What Is It?

Part IV: Feedback


To conclude, I'm not calling this last part a pillar to the model. It's, rather, an influencer. I surveyed real world language students and instructors, asking them what challenges they faced, as well as what they wanted/needed in a language program.


Although there were several responses that I could not consider (i.e. deep sociocultural issues like students being too busy to study because of financial pressures and work), here are some features that I uncovered from surveys and attempted to implement into the model:


  1. Preferred use of competency-based grading, as opposed to a traditional grading system

  2. More access to authentic target language

  3. More cultural-linguistic interactions with native or native-like speakers of the target language

  4. Emphasis on real-world application of the target language

  5. More access to technology for language learning purposes

  6. Increased learning activities that are low-stakes, motivating, and relevant to learners

  7. Increased teacher training

  8. Better integration between language departments and institutional support systems 

  9. Reduced workload at home through built-in study time

  10. Increased access to personal and academic advising resources



To access the surveys from which this list was created, click here.



You're done with this part! We're about venture into how the model works. But first, let's do a quick summary of the model. Click below to continue.


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