ProficiencyBuilder Model
Program-Level: Placement
Naturally, converting to competency-based learning may impact the placement process. While your placement process largely remains unchanged, it's important to review how students enter - or even accelerate - through your program.
In this step, you'll want to:
Adopt a "multiple measures" approach for accurate placement
Consider orientation and faculty advising
Update your placement tests
Align placement test criteria - including samples - to course curriculum
Review the placement challenge process
Consider how students may accelerate past a subsequent course or level
Extract samples of student placement performance
Use placement performance data as a baseline to evaluate program effectiveness
The Details
Adopt a "Multiple Measures" Approach
Measure a student's language ability in grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing
Avoid making placement decisions based on an isolated or single test score
Consider developing in-house placement tools
Consider Faculty Advising and Orientation
Adopt an initial and/or ongoing advising process to support placement, registration, cultural differences, program choice, course choice, exploration of goals, for "good advising is one of the key conditions that promotes retention" (O'Banion, 2016; Rios Erickson, 2007)
Develop a mandatory orientation for students
Update Placement Tests
Ensure students are placed using a valid measurement of either proficiency, course content, or both
Proficiency tests may, for example, be Accuplacer, ACTFL's Oral Proficiency Interview
Course content (achievement) tests and blended (pro-chievement) tests are usually developed in-house
Involve faculty as proctors, when possible (as opposed to computer-based tests)
Align Placement Test Criteria to Course Curriculum
Embed the placement test criteria within the student learning outcomes (SLOs) across your program
Extract samples of student performance on the placement tests (consent forms may be needed)
Make these samples available to instructors and students (i.e. via master course syllabi or on the learning management system); this way, they can listen to/read real-world that show what students need to be able to do and by when
Review Placement Challenge Process
Craft a policy and process in which students can challenge their placement within X-amount of time or within the official course add/drop date as defined by your institution
Consider Student Acceleration Process
Craft a policy and protocol for students who may wish to advance beyond the subsequent more quickly
Consider using a program-wide placement test administered at the end of each course
For students to be eligible to request to take such a test, they must meet certain criteria (i.e. a student may request to advance from a Level 1 course to a Level 3 course upon successful completion of the Level 1 course with maximum competency - not simply minimal competency - on all or most SLOs)
Instructors may recommend certain individuals for acceleration testing (or may authorize advanced placement themselves with adequate justification)
Depending on the test results, students may or may not accelerate into subsequent courses
Extract and Use Sample Placement Performance to Evaluate Program Effectiveness
Consider using placement performance as baseline data to measure program effectiveness over time