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Program-Level: Introduction

If you are an administrator, program coordinator, or instructor looking for resources on how to implement notions of competency within your language program, as opposed to a single course, there will be several fundamental changes - and challenges - you will want to consider. You may be asking yourself some very normal questions right now: What impact does this have on learner success? How do I best onboard my instructors?  How often should student have class in order to maximize language proficiency? What preparations do I need to make?


This Program-Level resource aims to support such a transition. Because such change will be fluid, dynamic, and dependent upon your program context, rather than a step-by-step guide as was done in the Instructor-Level, I'll provide some general and specific recommendations for you, which are based on my own instructional context, my experiences using competency-based learning, and my own cursory project research.


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