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ProficiencyBuilder Model

What Is It?

Program Level

the proficiencybuilder model competency-based for administrators

While the Instructor-Level emphasizes competency-based learning within the individual classroom, the Program-Level approach to the model focuses on implementing the notions of competency program-wide, resulting in fundamental policy change mostly to the areas of assessment and instruction, but also to the placement process and certainly program curriculum. Since we are considering such profound change, I also have put forth program-level considerations to take that will support overall student proficiency, such as how to implement more frequent access to comprehensible input for students, or suggestions for onboarding or training instructors.


I have categorized the Program-Level into six broad areas, starting with the primary goal of competency-based learning area, assessment, followed by its impact on instructional strategies, then curriculum, placement, and, finally, organization. I have also included a section specific to implementation and training.


  1. Assessment

  2. Instructional Strategies

  3. Curriculum

  4. Placement

  5. Organization

  6. Implementation


Click the links above to jump to a specific part. Or, click below to read about program organization.

Interested in professional development credit? Click here to learn how to get a certificate of completion.


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