Student Feedback: Quantitative
I looked at student feedback from my institution's general course survey, as well as from a separate survey across five courses specifically targeting students' opinions of my competency-based grading.
Competency-Based Grading Survey
The survey targeting competency-based grading specifically consisted of two statements after which students had to circle "Yes" or 'No". They explained their responses (see Qualitative). Results were overwhelmingly positive, with 95.6% believing this grading system to help their language learning. Fewer students (78%) would have recommended other classes use the grading system.
Sample size: 46
All responses were optional and anonymous
Statement one: The grading system of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 helps me learn the language better.
95.6% of students responded "yes"
4.3% of students responded "no"
Statement two: I would recommend that other classes use the grading system of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
78.2% of students responded "yes"
17.4% of students responded "no"
4.3% of students did not provide an answer
Institutional General Course Feedback Survey
The institutional course survey looked at a variety of topics across five ESL courses (two intermediate speaking, two intermediate grammar, and one advanced speaking) from course materials to use of class time to how well students self-reported their preparation or effort. I was interested in statements that referred to grading; specifically, the statement that read "I was able to calculate my grade in this course". Here, I noticed a downward tick that trended across the courses. It is obvious that students had difficulty with this part. That said, if my goal and expectation with competency-based grading is to deemphasize letter or number grades, and to emphasize specific deficient or mastered competencies, then perhaps a lower data point here is a natural and inevitable.
All responses were optional and anonymous