ProficiencyBuilder Model
Instructor Level: Summary
We cannot simply assess or grade students to a higher standard without the necessary instructional support in place
The ProficiencyBuilder Model is perhaps most useful for the individual instructor to implement a competency-based approach to grading. Before learning exactly how to do this, we need to take a quick look at how assessment as a whole is approached. Of course, applying an agricultural-related adage, "feed the pig, don’t just weight it”, we cannot simply assess or grade students to a higher standard without the necessary instructional support in place; if we make changes to classroom assessment, there are implications with instructional strategies.
This instructor-level part of the model can be categorized into two areas: assessment and instructional strategies.
Before learning the steps you'll take to to convert to competency-based learning in your classroom, let's review how grading and assessment as a whole is approached.
You will...
Abandon traditional grading systems of points and weighted categories
Require demonstrated competency of each student learning outcome to determine readiness
Emphasize relevant, motivating assessments
Implement multiple opportunities via a reassessment plan
Update course assessments to reflect application over knowledge
Isolate homework and participation from performance on outcomes
Consider "proficiency stages"
Prescribe meaningful correct feedback
Set up your gradebook to reflect notions of competency
Instructional Strategies
You will..
Incorporate communicative language teaching (CLT) strategies
Design learning activities that focus on the application of skills and knowledge to real-world contexts
Align your learning activities to support the course competencies (student learning outcomes)
​Minimize traditional instruction (i.e. lecture)
"Flip" the classroom, or move "instructional" content online, when possible
Provide communicative practice in addition to individualized support during class time
Pursue professional development opportunities relating to teaching and learning of world languages (i.e. second language acquisition theory, methodology, assessment, and curriculum development)
Are you ready to get stared? Convert your classroom to competency-based learning in 15 steps. Click below to begin.
Interested in converting your entire program to competency-based learning? Click here: Program Level.